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Q&A With Kimberly Wyatt

Kimberly Wyatt fitness

As a singer, dancer and choreographer, Kimberly Wyatt is a busy lady especially having recently become a new mum. Kimberly has also just announced her new fitness programme called #mumonamission which is hosted on #mumonamission is a 24 minutes, seven days a week programme spread across eight weeks and is designed to help mums increase their fitness, lose unwanted weight and improve their strength.  We took the opportunity to have a chat with Kimberly about fitness, nutrition, training and balancing it all.

Kimberly Wyatt fitness collage


You’ve performed in front of millions: do you get pre-performance nerves or do you love the buzz of being on stage?

It is all in the preparation. If I know that I have work hard in the lead up to getting on stage then it really helps. I do still get a little bit nervous but I also love the buzz of it so once I’m out on stage I’m fine.

Your training must be pretty varied. Is there a typical week for you?

I usually train around 4-5 times per week but I try to mix it up as much as possible.

You’re well known for your dancing. What types of training complement dancing to keep those enviable long, lean muscles?

Something that I’m really enjoying at the moment is Yoga; it’s really great for stretching out and building up both the inner and outer muscles and is easy to do in the home with Willow.

Kimberly Wyatt fitness pregnancy

Post-pregnancy fitness

Has signing up for a triathlon made a difference to your post-natal mind-set and body confidence?

I think that it’s important to stay active so I’m trying to find time to train as well as being a mum but I love both so it’s all about finding that balance and the Vitality World Triathlon London has given me something to work towards. I’m really excited about competing and on such an iconic course.

What motivated you to get into triathlons in particular?

Completing a triathlon has always been on my bucket list so I thought that the Vitality World Triathlon London which takes place in May was the perfect time to do it as it gives me the challenge and motivation to get my body back in shape after recently having my baby girl.

Can you recommend any good clubs or studios to train at in the UK?

Some of my favourite studios to work at is Equinox, a health club in Kensington but now that I’ve given birth I’ve also been working out quite a bit in the living room doing my own home #mumonamission workouts with sit ups and squats with my baby girl.

Kimberly Wyatt cycling


What do you eat before you work out to get you through it?

I generally tend to work out in the mornings before I start my working day so breakfast is really important for me. I usually have poached eggs on wholewheat toast for breakfast as well as a protein shakes before I start my workout.

Do you have a favourite recovery food or drink?

I usually eat a banana as soon as I finish my workout in order to boost my energy levels. I also always try to eat something full of protein like my MaxiNutrition bars or shakes and white meats such as fish or chicken.

What’s your opinion on the state of nutrition advice available to women?

I think it’s great that there’s such a variety of nutrition products available nowadays but I think it’s quite a saturated market so it’s confusing to know what’s right and what’s wrong especially with the amount of different fad diets that are around. I would say that it’s important not to starve yourself and to a healthy balance diet. You need to feed your body in accordance with how much you are asking it to work. Food is healthy fuel.


Sportswear for women has definitely become more fashion-conscious over the last few years. Are you glad this is the case?

I think it’s great that there are so many options to look great while working out. It really helps put me in the mind-set to go for it and give the workout my all.

What are your favourite pieces to train in and to wear at the weekends?

I’m always seen to be in activewear as my weekends are so action packed! I tend to wear trainers that are both comfortable and look good. I love my adidas energy boost trainers and brands I love include Stella, Nike, Lija and Lucas Hugh right now.

Do you train to music and if so, what’s in your playlist?

Of course, music is my motivation and my Monster iSport earphones are great for using while working out. I usually warm up with some pop songs and then move onto some House, Dubstep and Drum n Bass. I love to listen to classical music when cooling down.

Come and watch Kimberly and the world’s fastest triathletes in action at The Vitality World Triathlon London on the 31st May. Secure the best seats in the house with grandstand tickets now available here:

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